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TAP OUT 28.07.2011 23:31

помню такое :) Было кратко и содержательно :)

TAP OUT 28.07.2011 23:32


Сообщение от Mirkotmb (Сообщение 413739)
Ахахаха,ништяк подстава!)))

Куда летишь,Дима?)

michaell 29.07.2011 00:05

Документалка про подготовку Пола Дэйли. Качественный стафф.
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snakerattle79 29.07.2011 03:43

Dan Henderson: I'm Better In Most Areas Than Fedor

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"On Saturday night I am going to have to fight Fedor a lot differently to how Werdum and Silva did, but I will come up with the same result. I expect the majority of the fight to take place on our feet and in the clinch. I’m looking to strike with him as much as possible and to knock him out when the opportunity presents itself. There’s a good chance it will go to the ground, too, and I’m fine with that. I can see myself putting him on his back and punishing him… I’ve always looked at Fedor as a similar fighter to me in many ways, but I consider myself better in most areas. I just feel I do everything a little better than he does. I’m better than him in the clinch, and I feel that my striking is more technical and sharper than his… Fedor’s extremely quick for a heavyweight, but I am no heavyweight – and I am quick for a light-heavyweight. If anybody can match him for speed and explosiveness, I’d like to think that person is me. I’ll be much lighter than Fedor on Saturday, and with that comes speed. Fedor won’t be able to get away with the things he tries on bigger and slower opponents… I don’t know what a win over Fedor does for my legacy – that’s up to the fans and media to decide – but it does a lot for my own pride and motivation. I keep taking these big challenges because I believe I can conquer them, and so long as I can keep proving people wrong, I’ll be sticking around."

kusok 29.07.2011 05:32

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0.26... :shok

kusok 29.07.2011 05:38


Сообщение от snakerattle79 (Сообщение 413823)
Dan Henderson: I'm Better In Most Areas Than Fedor

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"On Saturday night I am going to have to fight Fedor a lot differently to how Werdum and Silva did, but I will come up with the same result. I expect the majority of the fight to take place on our feet and in the clinch. I’m looking to strike with him as much as possible and to knock him out when the opportunity presents itself. There’s a good chance it will go to the ground, too, and I’m fine with that. I can see myself putting him on his back and punishing him… I’ve always looked at Fedor as a similar fighter to me in many ways, but I consider myself better in most areas. I just feel I do everything a little better than he does. I’m better than him in the clinch, and I feel that my striking is more technical and sharper than his… Fedor’s extremely quick for a heavyweight, but I am no heavyweight – and I am quick for a light-heavyweight. If anybody can match him for speed and explosiveness, I’d like to think that person is me. I’ll be much lighter than Fedor on Saturday, and with that comes speed. Fedor won’t be able to get away with the things he tries on bigger and slower opponents… I don’t know what a win over Fedor does for my legacy – that’s up to the fans and media to decide – but it does a lot for my own pride and motivation. I keep taking these big challenges because I believe I can conquer them, and so long as I can keep proving people wrong, I’ll be sticking around."

Дэн будет "Тим Силвиад" если будет стоять с Федором.

Помоему Дэн прикидывается насчет что мол стоять будет. Сразу полезет в клинч, валить и локти с молитвой на разрез и остановку. Но кажется у него и возраст и стиль не хороши для этого боя. Думаю Федор быстро все решит в стойке.

Zarik 29.07.2011 08:21


Сообщение от kusok (Сообщение 413824)

Пять раз пересмотрел... А что там на 0,26 ?

RedSefo 29.07.2011 08:46


Сообщение от Zarik (Сообщение 413830)
Пять раз пересмотрел... А что там на 0,26 ?

Оператор мелькнул... хз чем это примечательно правда:pardon:

Илья К. 29.07.2011 08:55


Сообщение от Droonimus (Сообщение 413651)
Здоровья бы хватило ещё 2 дня дожить в спокойствии. Адреналинчик - то уже подкатывает, как только невольно вспоминаешь о грядущем воскресном утре.

Да и не говори! А у меня еще др - ваще не представляю, как я его буду проводить: весь день и всю ночь буду как на иголках...

TAP OUT 29.07.2011 08:55


Сообщение от kusok (Сообщение 413825)
валить и локти с молитвой на разрез и остановку.

Молиться в бою с Фёдором бесполезно , у него там :old7 всё схвачено :angel:

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