Сообщение из темы: Любые вопросы про ММА

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03.08.2009, 20:05

Сообщение от limon Посмотреть сообщение
с какого чемпионата дана пришел в юфси когда братья фертитта купили организацию?кто знает?
White has a background as an aerobics instructor. In 1992, White established Dana White Enterprises in Las Vegas. He conducted aerobics classes at three gyms in the Las Vegas area and began managing MMA fighters Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddell.

While working as a manager, White learned that Semaphore Entertainment Group, the parent company of the UFC, was looking for a buyer for the UFC. White contacted childhood friend Lorenzo Fertitta, an executive at Station Casinos, and a former commissioner of the Nevada State Athletic Commission. Within a month, Lorenzo and his older brother Frank bought the UFC, with White installed as its president. White currently owns 10% of Zuffa, LLC, the entity the Fertitta brothers created to own and manage the UFC.
если нужен перевод - скажи.
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vamp (11.08.2009)
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