Сообщение из темы: Александр Емельяненко встретится с чемпионом Азии

Re: Александр Емельяненко встретится с чемпионом Азии
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Post Re: Александр Емельяненко встретится с чемпионом Азии - 27.11.2007, 03:46

Lee Sang Soo is leaving Korea on 27th to Mosko Russia to participate Sambo Tournament

I don't know if he has a chance to compete Alex but al least he is participating the event

He has participated kazakhstan Sambo event in Sept. i don't know about the result but he is working out

He had practiced in Oskal with Fedor and he said that he had learned a lot from the training with Fedor

his mma record is 10 win 3 loss, he has fought with Zent sov in Jan. 2007 M-1 mfc in Korea~!

Eventhough he lost, at least he went decisions

He is only 24!!! 183cm 105kg

I hope he would have good results

Тип файла: jpg 2007_11_26_sangsoo.jpg (80.7 Кб, 1315 просмотров)
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