Сообщение из темы: Звезда боев без правил Александр Емельяненко пролил свою кро

Re: Звезда боев без правил Александр Емельяненко пролил свою кро
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Re: Звезда боев без правил Александр Емельяненко пролил свою кро - 02.12.2007, 03:38

we read this news in a (MMA news) section.

Would you please translate this page for as From Korean lang. to English!
and post in MMA news
http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/s ... setid=1866
well, it's just saying that Vadim said Josh and Randy are always in the option

but at the moment Jeff (or Geff ) Monson is the most possible opponent for the FEb. event,

in Yarenoka press conference on 28th,

Yarenoka is considered as the new pride and looks like there would be more coroperated events in the future....

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