Сообщение из темы: Звезда боев без правил Александр Емельяненко пролил свою кро

Re: Звезда боев без правил Александр Емельяненко пролил свою кро
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Post Re: Звезда боев без правил Александр Емельяненко пролил свою кро - 02.12.2007, 19:20

Alex was really lucky that those guys had no guns with them !!

Now people all over the world want to see the video of this fight . I ve read that one american guy said that it s more interesting to see this fight than Fedor vs Couture
is this in youtube?

And i hope, i really hope that it was Alex"s wife in that restaurant. Otherwise we will see the "second round" when Alex return to his house . Too much realfights for Alex
must be just freinds.... he just had a daughter!!!!
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