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Fedor's interviews in Japan

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Fedor's interviews in Japan
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Fedor's interviews in Japan - 26.11.2007, 07:22

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Fedor Interview with KAMIPRO
A private interview with Fedor Emeliaenko is published in the Japanese MMA magazine, KAMIPRO, from 13 Nov. This interview took place on 22 Oct.

- Why did you sign with `M-1 Global', instead of UFC?
My manager, Vadim Finkelstein, managed the contract. I was satisfied when I saw an offer from `M-1 Global' first time. I was looking for an organization which can arrange the fights with the best opponents for me, and that is `M-1 Global'. I can fight outside the organization and `M-1 Global' will arrange to fight the champions in other organizations for me. I believe `M-1 Global' will be a real international organization and will be the best MMA organization in the world.

- Could you tell me about the offer from UFC? What the main reason you decided not to fight in UFC?
Vadim: The offer from UFC was very advantageous for them but not for us. UFC only has right to make a decision of picking the opponent, to terminate the contract and to change the contract. I have never had such an unfair offer like that in past 10 years. We were working with UFC and FEG, but could not come through to the signing with both of them.

- UFC President, Dana White, said `crazy russian' about you. What do you think?
Vadim: I would say he is a crazy American. I respect Dana White because he is the person who made MMA very popular in USA. But the downside is, he wants to control MMA market in US and outside of US, tie fighters with the unfair contract and push his policy and his business theory to fighters. He cannot control all MMA organization in the world from now on. UFC have to change and need to cooperate with other organizations.

- What do you think about PRIDE?
PRIDE was the best event because I had a lot of opportunity to fight the best fighters in the world. I say `M-1 Global' has the closest business idea to PRIDE. `M-1 Global' is going to hold an event in Japan next summer.
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Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan - 26.11.2007, 07:26

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Fedor interview on SAMURAI TV `S Arena'

SAMURAI TV which is a pay-per-view MMA news show had a private interview with Fedor on 22 Nov.

- You have not been to Japan for a long time.
I`m glad to be here in Japan again. I knew I would come back for all of my fans in Japan.

- How did you know you can fight on NYE?
Vadim asked me if I`m interested in and I accepted the offer immediately. I would like to prepare well for the fight and would like to have an exciting fight.

- Do you have any comment to former PRIDE staff?
I don`t think this is the last event I work with them. M-1 Global has a business plan to hold events starting next year. M-1 Global is actually approaching them and asking to support their events. I believe M-1 Global will corporate with former PRIDE employees to create great events like the PRIDE had before in Japan.

- Why did you choose M-1 Global?
M-1 Global is formed by trustworthy staff and we agreed to create the best MMA event. I accepted because M-1 Global is going to have an event in Japan, Russia and the Netherlands as well as in the U.S.

- Who would you like to fight?
I would like to fight champions in other MMA organization like Randy Couture, Gabriel Gonzaga and champions of UFC, Cage Rage and IFL etc.

- What is the definition of the strongest fighter for you?
The strongest fighter should be able to defeat all the opponents, respect other fighters, understand circumstances and communicate well with others.

- Do you think you are the best now?
I don`t think I`m the best now but I`m trying to be.

- Do you have any message to your fans?
I`m happy to have a fight in Japan again. I train hard to win and please come and see my fight.

`S Arena' had interview with Mr. Saeki and Shinya Aoki.

Aoki said he actually had a call about the interview of `Yarennoka!' at night on Nov 20. Aoki was anxious about the delay of the interview. Aoki had mentioned this event in a magazine interview which was published a couple of days before and he was worried about being called a liar.

Mr.Saeki said the process of this event was delayed a lot and could not be announced until the last minute. He is sure that this event would not happen if he could not make an official announcement on Nov 21.
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Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan
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Unhappy Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan - 26.11.2007, 07:28

When is FEdor coming back to Russia??? or not untill the match is over?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan
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Регистрация: 21.07.2007
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Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan - 26.11.2007, 07:30

I`m glad to be here in Japan again. I knew I would come back for all of my fans in Japan.
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Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan
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Регистрация: 12.08.2007
Адрес: Волгоградская область
Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan - 26.11.2007, 12:11

кто нить переведёт?
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Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan
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Re: Fedor's interviews in Japan - 26.11.2007, 14:02

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