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  (#1131)  |  (на пост)
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21.12.2011, 23:21

  (#1132)  |  (на пост)
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21.12.2011, 23:26

Сообщение от abrikosov666 Посмотреть сообщение
так гепатит ток через кровь вроде, в бытовых условиях не заразиться
Да нет у его ни*фига. Все слухи..

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The Great Aleksander Swindle: How Shoddy Media and Internet Trolls Derailed a Career

By Randy Gonzales

It was the summer of 2008 and Aleksander Emelianenko was poised for a breakout on Affliction’s inaugural event. In front of him was the ideal opponent: Paul Buentello, a soft and pudgy American brawler who lacks speed and has a history of being put to sleep with punches. It was the perfect recipe for Aleksander to catapult himself into the spotlight of mainstream MMA with a highlight reel knockout. But it was not to be, as the malignant forces of trash journalism and internet trolldom combined to malign the rising MMA star with libelous rumors of a positive test for the infectious disease hepatitis B.

The origin of these false rumors can be traced to an admitted internet troll known as Golden Boy, who is a personal friend of Paul Buentello and has close connections to the head hogs at Sherdog, one of the leading MMA media outlets which led the attack on Aleksander during the hepatitis controversy. Soon after the Affliction fight was officially called off by the notoriously corrupt California State Athletic Commission, Golden Boy created a post on The Underground forum which baselessly cited a positive hepatitis B blood test from Aleksander as the reasoning for the fight’s cancellation. He provided no source and showed no documents, it was simply a posted message on a public internet forum by an admitted troll and personal friend of Aleksander’s opponent, Paul Buentello. After this forum post went viral, generating hundreds of replies and dozens of peripheral threads on the topic, the shock journalists of the amateurish MMA media picked it up, recognizing the traffic grabbing potential in such a scandalous story on one of MMA’s most promising stars.

What followed was a slew of slander from sites such as Sherdog, Five Ounces of Pain, Bloody Elbow, and many more, all citing the exact same quote from an anonymous source as their proof. What was effectively created was a feedback loop of disinformation, with each so called media outlet rehashing the same lie, one after the other. No documents were sourced and no name was put to the quote, an entirely unvetted story was being pushed as verified fact. This type of scoop regurgitation is the hallmark of dangerously amateurish reporting, and is how false rumors spread like electronic wild fire, eventually morphing into a manufactured meme. And that is exactly what happened, as the meme of “Aleksander the hep fiend” has become an inescapable jest whenever his name is spoken. This despite the fact that Aleksander has since been wholly cleared of any blood borne diseases by top Italian medical doctors, even providing the documents to prove it.

This single act trumps every attack on Aleksander’s medical standings simply because it is verified authentic, something those hiding behind anonymous hearsay cannot claim for their own phony evidence. In fact, the anti Aleksander crowd has so little factual evidence backing their claim that they cannot even keep their story straight, as many of them, including Sherdog’s Jordan Breen, Bloody Elbow’s Nick Thomas, and the sophomoric clown shoes at Middle Easy, have been on record as saying Aleksander is infected with hepatitis C rather than their initial claims of hepatitis B. But hey, what relevance is a single measly letter when the whole claim itself is bogus?

The reality is that the woefully inept MMA media mutts seized upon an anonymous and unverifiable quote, using it as a ploy to slander the career of Aleksander Emelianenko with shock journalism designed to attract web traffic and increase their ad based revenue. Every single one of the media fools who proliferated this proven lie should be ashamed at his own lack of journalistic integrity, and barring a public retraction of the story, each of them should be shunned as opponents of truth by the MMA community as a whole. Greg Savage and Jordan Breen of Sherdog, Nick Thomas of Bloody Elbow, the fools of Five Ounces of Pain, and many other amateurish wannabes of the MMA media world all spearheaded this false flag and must now eat cold crow as Aleksander continues to rebuild his career after having no less than two years of his prime irreversibly tarnished by this shameless defamation.

It is a bitterly sad commentary on the state of the MMA media when they so willingly engage in yellow journalism and are utterly unrepentant of their transgressions when verifiable facts surface which completely clears the name they falsely accused. No retractions were made after medical officials deemed his blood clean, and still no retractions are made as Aleksander prepares for his fifth fight since he would supposedly never fight again. Let it be known that those media hacks highlighted in this article have been proven incompetent at best, and outright liars at worst, willing to sacrifice the career of a young star on the altar of shock journalism. “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story” is an adage which has no place in the sport of MMA, and neither do those who stake their journalistic careers on it at the expanse of a fighter’s reputation.
  (#1133)  |  (на пост)
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21.12.2011, 23:51

Поздравляю АЕ с победой. Ждём видео
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22.12.2011, 00:15

Сообщение от michaell Посмотреть сообщение
Официально турнир в Сан-Диего посетило 2,995 зрителей, что принесло организации $154,075
При 12 тысячах возможных это ж в обще жесть.
  (#1135)  |  (на пост)
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22.12.2011, 01:47

Aleks fight:

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2 пользователя(ей) сказали cпасибо:
TSGIGOR (22.12.2011), michaell (22.12.2011)
  (#1136)  |  (на пост)
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22.12.2011, 01:51

Сообщение от Lotto Посмотреть сообщение
Александр Емельяненко: «Брата Федю бить не буду»
Основный посыл интервью: "Братуха бьёт в отказ". %)
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22.12.2011, 02:08

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Последний раз редактировалось michaell; 22.12.2011 в 02:25.
  (#1138)  |  (на пост)
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22.12.2011, 02:10

Кто-нибудь знает результаты S -70. Чемпионат России, который в Волгограде прошёл?
  (#1139)  |  (на пост)
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22.12.2011, 02:11

SPORTKOR, завтра бои
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SPORTKOR (22.12.2011)
  (#1140)  |  (на пост)
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22.12.2011, 02:19

antares, Спасибо, только сейчас заметил, что 22-ое только наступило. А то я ждал, не мог уснуть
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