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01.10.2014, 02:54
Сообщение от Ingirami
Судя по этой нищенской статье на Википедии - этот "ученый" известен лишь своей "антиэволюционисткой" "деятельностью".
Вроде бы не мало трудов для ядерной физики?!
- К изучению свойств унитарной и неунитарной S- матрицы на основе причинности и условия полноты волновых функций, Теоретическая и математическая физика, 1974, т.20, N2, с.211-222.
- Imprints of compound and direct processes in cross sections and durations of nuclear reactions, Nuclear Physics, 1984, v.A425, p.445-457.
- To the Investigation of Nuclear Reactions and Decays by Analysis of Their Durations, Sov. J. Part. Nucl., 1984, v.15, n2, pp.130-148.
- Nonstationary Characteristics in Study of Nuclear Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics and Compound-Nucleus Properties, Nukleonika, 1990, v.35, n1-3, pp.99-144.(в соавторстве)
- Recent Developments in the Time Analysis of Tunnelling Processes, Physics Reports, 1992, v.219, n 6, pp.339-356.
- More about Tunnelling Times, the Dwell Time and the „Hartman Effect“, J. de Phys. I France, 1995, v.5, October 1995, Developments in Time Analysis of Particles and Photon Tunnelling, in: Proc. of the Adriatico Researcpp.1351-1365. (в соавторстве)
- h Conf. on Tunnelling and Its Implications, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 30 July-2 August 1996, World Sci., pp.327-355;(в соавторстве)
- Unified Time Analysis of Photon and Particle Tunnelling, Preprint-review IC/2001/67, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2001, pp.35
- Time Analysis of Particle and Photon Tunnelling, Physics of the Alive, 1997, v.5, n1, pp.23-41;
- Recent Developments in Joint Energy and Time Analysis of Nucleon-Nucleus Reactions at the Range of Isolated and Overlapped Resonances, in: Conference Proceedings, v.59, Part I, Internat.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, 19-24 May 1997,Italian Physical Society, Bologna-Italy, pp.280-282.
- On Superluminal Motions in Photon and Particle Tunnellings, Physics Letters, 1998, v. A248, pp. 156—160. (в соавторстве)
- Are Superluminal Group Velocities of Tunneling Photons Compatible with the Einstein Causality?, in: Time’s Arrows, Quantum Measurement and Superluminal Behavior, Proc. of the Internat.Conf., Napoli, Italy, 3-5 October, 2000, Eredi — Roma, 2001, pp.173-177.
- Influence of Excited Radioactive Nuclei for Results in Large-Scale NuclearChronometry, in: Proc. of the Internat. Conf. Nuclear Physics at Border Lines, Lipari (Messina), Italy, 21-24 May 2001, World Scientific, 2002, pp.244-247.
- Superluminal Tunneling through Two Successive Barriers, Europhysics Letters, 2002, v. 57 (6), pp. 879—884. (в соавторстве)
- Does Sub-Barrier Bremsstrahlung in Alpha-Decay of 210Po Exist? Progress of Theoretical Physics, v.109, № 2, 2003, pp.203-211.(в соавторстве)
- Decrease of the tunneling time and violation of the Hartman effect for large barriers, Physical Review, 2004, v.A70, N1, 034103-1-4. (в соавторстве)
- Unified Time Analysis of Particle and Photon Tunnelling, Physics Reports, 2004, v.398, N3, pp. 133—178. (в соавторстве)
- Анализ фазового времени туннелирования холодных нейтронов через нейтронный интерференционный фильтр, Ядерная физика, 2005, т.68, N7, стр.1139-1141. (в соавторстве)
- Resonant and non-resonant tunneling through a double barrier, Europhysics Letters, 2005, v.70 (6), pp.712-718.
- Тunnelling Time of a Gaussian Wave Packet through Two Potential Barriers, Central European Journal of Physics, 2005, v.3(3), pp.339-35 (в соавторстве).