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  (#21)  |  (на пост)
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18.01.2010, 00:12

В принципе эти проги иногда дают вменяемые поединки. Хотя помниться я в похожей проге прогнал бой Вовчанчин - Оверим (это было как раз до их встречи в ГП 2005го года). Вовчанчин проиграл сдачей от усталости в первом раунде! В время боя Вовчанчин дал Аллистару в яйца, получил предупреждение, дал ему в яйца опять(рефери не заметил), повалил его в партер настучал головой(рефери опять не смотрел) потом вернул бой в стойку и сдался от усталости...
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  (#22)  |  (на пост)
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18.01.2010, 00:19

Alistair Overeem! Alistair Overeem! This is what the people are chanting here.
Igor Vovchanchyn shifts back and forth nervously.
Alistair Overeem is beating himself up in the corner before the fight begins, smacking himself in the face, body and legs to get ready for his scrap.

Alistair Overeem is the better fighter in my opinion. It would be an upset if he loses today.

The referee of the bout is Yuji Shimada.

Round 1

Igor Vovchanchyn and Alistair Overeem touch gloves in the center to get this fight started!

Alistair Overeem chases Vovchanchyn and launches a few perfect strikes
Here we go! Vovchanchyn steps backwards when those punches connect with his face
Vovchanchyn's Right cheek is bruised after the punishement he's received!

These two fighters are showing each other a ton of respect.

The clock says 0:30 in the 1 round
0:30 Round 1 and Alistair is still in good shape. He sure has trained hard for this fight.
Alistair lifts his opponent off the ground and tries to slam him!
Down goes Igor Vovchanchyn! Brilliant slam!

Alistair Overeem is in open guard over Vovchanchyn
Alistair Overeem tries to finish with a leg lock!
Vovchanchyn is able to break the lock.
Alistair Overeem gets sloppy and Igor Vovchanchyn tries to take advantage...
Vovchanchyn reaches under and rolls for a kneebar!
Alistair blocks the attempt and uses the opportunity to seize half guard.

Alistair Overeem is in half guard over Vovchanchyn
Alistair Overeem goes for an americana!
Vovchanchyn breaks free.
Alistair Overeem gets sloppy and Igor Vovchanchyn tries to take advantage...
Igor Vovchanchyn sits up and gets an arm around Alistair's neck!
Alistair pushes Igor Vovchanchyn back to the ground.

Alistair Overeem is in half guard over Vovchanchyn
Alistair Overeem tries to pass Igor Vovchanchyn's guard...
Alistair Overeem manages to get his leg free and moves to side mount.

Alistair Overeem is in side mount over Igor Vovchanchyn
Igor Vovchanchyn attempts to trap Alistair Overeem in his guard.
Igor Vovchanchyn manages to switch to half guard.

The clock says 1:15 in the 1 round
Alistair Overeem is in half guard over Vovchanchyn
Alistair Overeem goes for an americana!
Vovchanchyn breaks free.

Alistair Overeem is in half guard over Vovchanchyn
Igor Vovchanchyn attempts to move to full guard
Igor Vovchanchyn manages to switch to full guard.

Alistair Overeem is in open guard over Vovchanchyn
Alistair is taking this opportunity to rest.
Yuji Shimada has seen enough passivity on the ground and stands up the fighters.
Both fighters have climbed to their feet and they continue the fight standing. The people who are watching this in venue are cheering for the fighters.

The two exchange wildly
both landing but without much steam behind the shots.

Alistair looks for angles as he throws a few jabs that are countered by Igor Vovchanchyn's punches
Alistair measures the resilience of Vovchanchyn's chin with an uppercut while Vovchanchyn lands some great crosses.

The clock says 2:15 in the 1 round
The two exchange wildly
Alistair is connecting with a few punches

The clock says 2:25 in the 1 round
Alistair is holding Igor Vovchanchyn's right leg... He's trying to take him down.
Igor Vovchanchyn loses balance and goes to the ground.

Alistair Overeem is in side mount over Igor Vovchanchyn
Alistair Overeem fakes some punches
Vovchanchyn ties him up.
Alistair Overeem gets sloppy and Igor Vovchanchyn tries to take advantage...
Vovchanchyn measures the resilience of Alistair's ribs with a couple of big punches from guard.
Those hits are leaving hitches in Alistair's side.

Alistair Overeem is in side mount over Igor Vovchanchyn
Igor Vovchanchyn launches a few punches to Alistair's cheek from the guard.
Those punches sure are annoying because Alistair tries to cover his face,
Alistair has a small cut in his Left cheek

Alistair Overeem is in side mount over Igor Vovchanchyn
Alistair tries to move to full mount!
Nice move. He is in full mount now.

Alistair Overeem is in full mount over Igor Vovchanchyn
Alistair fires a barrage of punches at Vovchanchyn's head!
This is bad! Alistair is just pounding on Igor Vovchanchyn's head like he's a training dummy! The referee looks on anxiously!

The clock says 3:20 in the 1 round
Alistair Overeem is in full mount over Igor Vovchanchyn
You can hear the excitement from the crowd. Alistair Overeem can end the fight with his ground and pound.
Alistair goes for an armbar!
Igor Vovchanchyn breaks the lock and pushes away Alistair Overeem, who rolls over his back and gets to standing position.
Yuji Shimada halts the fight to stand up Alistair Overeem. The fight resumes with both fighters standing.
Both fighters continue the fight on their feet. You can hear how the people agree with that decision.

Alistair launches a stiff jab!
Vovchanchyn ducks that one.

Alistair has some bruises after a few exchanges with his opponent.
Alistair Overeem leans forwards and tries to grapple with Vovchanchyn
Alistair shows his clinching skills. Both fighters are clinching now.

Both fighters are tied in a clinch.
One, two, three! Alistair doesn't stop launching those knees in the clinch!
Vovchanchyn blocks and then pushes away Alistair Overeem!
Vovchanchyn is trying to counter now!
Vovchanchyn throws a hook
that hits its mark.
Alistair is out! Alistair is out! Igor Vovchanchyn has ended this fight in highlight reel fashion!
Alistair's Mouth is beginning to swell
Winner is Igor Vovchanchyn by KO (Hook) at 3:56 Round 1

Statistics: Igor Vovchanchyn
Punches 6/11 (55%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/0 (0%)
Takedowns 0/0 (0%)
GnP strikes 4/5 (80%)
Submissions 2/2 (100%)
Clinches 0/0 (0%)
Damage caused 201,6
Clinch Damage 64
Ground Damage 89,6
Time on the ground 128 s

Statistics: Alistair Overeem
Punches 10/12 (83%)
Kicks 0/0 (0%)
Clinch strikes 0/4 (0%)
Takedowns 2/2 (100%)
GnP strikes 4/6 (67%)
Submissions 4/4 (100%)
Clinches 1/1 (100%)
Damage caused 654,5
Clinch Damage 0
Ground Damage 170
Time on the ground 128 s

Igor Vovchanchyn wins 28,57 ranking points after the fight.

Alistair Overeem loses -17,86 ranking points after the fight.
Unbelievable! Alistair lost this fight! Betting sites will explode!

*****Igor Vovchanchyn and Alistair Overeem had today the worst fight of this organization!
Igor Vovchanchyn had a nightmare here today. He should be ashamed of his performance in this fight. (40 points)
Nice effort tonight from Alistair Overeem who was thinking of the fans besides the fight itself. (138 points)
A fight that put some of us on our feet occasionally. It could have been more exciting though.

Правда на текущий момент между ними 22 кг разницы
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Адрес: Калининград
18.01.2010, 09:49

Даже у Феди рейтинг 287 и нет ни одного параметра =20. Это просто не интересно. С таким же успехом ты можешь насоздавать сам одинаковых бойцов с рейтинг "все по 20" и стравливать их в свое удовольствие)) 1 очко за бой - это нормально. Новички, если захотят, будут драться с теми, чей рейтинг к ним близок, или можно будет создать комповых ботов с близким рейтингом для прокачки. Весь смысл в прокачке собственно.
Можно проводить по турниру в неделю, уж за неделю каждый может определиться с соперником и стратегией на бой.
Ежели кого-то хочет так поиграть - пишите тут.
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18.01.2010, 10:12

Сообщение от kosta99 Посмотреть сообщение
Даже у Феди рейтинг 287 и нет ни одного параметра =20. Это просто не интересно
Да пойми же, важно не абсолютное значение рейтингов, а относительное
ТО есть если у всех будет статистика 20, то бойцы будут побеждать за счёт разницы в других параметрах (тактика, манера ведения боя, сила\техника), которые каждый сам решает как распределять в границах 100%.
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Адрес: Калининград
18.01.2010, 11:13

Сообщение от royce Посмотреть сообщение
Да пойми же, важно не абсолютное значение рейтингов, а относительное
ТО есть если у всех будет статистика 20, то бойцы будут побеждать за счёт разницы в других параметрах (тактика, манера ведения боя, сила\техника), которые каждый сам решает как распределять в границах 100%.
Не, мы друг друга явно не понимаем)) У тебя получается чистый манчкинизм) Я предлагаю более более реалистичный подход. В любом случае эту тему мы обсуждаем лишь вдвоем, так что походу чемпионаты отменяются))
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  (#26)  |  (на пост)
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Users Flag!
18.01.2010, 11:57

Давайте включим вас в систему ставок и пробный бой замутим. Ставлю 50 Кб на Хойса ;o)
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royce (18.01.2010)
  (#27)  |  (на пост)
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18.01.2010, 12:07

так какой бой, если мы не можем договориться о принципах создания бойцов
Я считаю, надо пойти по пути наименьшего сопротивления, и использовать все что позволяет программа.
Создал один раз спортсмена - а дальше дело симуляции.
kosta99 - за систему ограничений, который должен отслеживать модер, и по которой пользователь спортсмена должен его постоянно улучшать. Потенциально может появиться чемпион, которого никто никогда на скинет, по причине постоянного роста его рейтинга.

Программа позволяет сделать и то, и то...
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19.01.2010, 21:11

так что, тема похоронена? а как же... постоянное желание самцов померяться х..ми?
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19.01.2010, 21:20

По себе не равняй - для многих английский не родной ;o)
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