18.11.2013, 22:41
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Косяк рефери никто не отменял.
С другой стороны ситуация: чувак в позе черепахи отхватывает плюхи, половина из которых проходит сквозь защиту. Кудин вообще не двигается, то есть уходить от этой опасной ситуации не собирается. То есть Харитонов минуту ему в мозг колотит. Может Кудин лежа в грогги уже. Поэтому и капу вставить обратно не может. ХЗ, судя по всему, только рефери может дать пояснения, может он в глазах Кудина увидел грусть нокаутированного?..
Dobre vegter Mixfight.ru
I Will give my explanation in English, May be someone can translate it in Russian
First I did not stopped the fight to protect Kudin because of the ground and pound of Kharitonov.
While Kudin was in the turtle position Kharitonov was striking hard under his arms, strikes which really connected.
At one moment I saw the mouth guard from Kundin was on the floor, I called a stop, but let both fighters in the same position, because it was during (heavy) ground and pounding.
I tried several times to but the guard in Kudins mouth, but It felt like Kudin didn't want to open his mouth. Finally I could get the guard in, but Kudin spit it out directly and said no !
So I thought he wanted to stop, that's why I stopped the fight, and once I stop a fight I can never continue the fight.
Off course i didn't noticed that/if the mouthpiece was upside down! Otherwise I would never stopped this fight.
I have respect for every fighter, and will never stop a fight unless a fighter is ko or not defending ... In this case Kudin was not ko and still defending.
I really liked this fight which was on a high level and with two strong and fair fighting fighters.
Hope you understand my explanation and reason to stop this fight at that moment.
Marco Broersen.