29.12.2013, 19:44
Сообщение от
локтями сверху вниз острием в голову - это за гранью.
Кстати, да. 12-6 ведь почему-то запрещен. Здесь получается по механике тот же самый удар, только в висок. Хорошо бы какие-то пояснения найти.
Хотя я бы сказал, что это на грани, а не за ней. Может быть пора эту грань сместить.
Вот мнение некоего бойца-любителя относительно 12-6. (извиняюсь, что на английском, может позже переведу)
Why 12-6 Elbows are illegal in the mma? Well I'll tell you why!
First, before i get into why the 12-6 elbows are illegal in the ufc, i would like to tell you all my experience in martial arts and mma. I have been practicing martial arts for about 12 years, i begun in karate and after that i started doing kung fu. then at age 16 i became interested in boxing and Muay Thai. then i made my way into Bjj(my favorite of all the arts i have came across) and eventually trained with judo and wrestling experts. I am now 5-2 amateur. while i am no expert nor a master, the reasons i have come to concluded are fact and easily understood. so lets start:
1. They Create allot of force; unlike the regular allowed in the ufc, The 12-6 consists of the body converting all the body weight into the elbow creating tons of power. The legal elbows need the to body twist in order to create power, although legal elbows are dangerous (mainly for cutting people open and not for k.o's), they simply do not create as much power.
2. They can slip threw the crack's; similar to a upper cut, the 12-6 elbow can smash its way threw almost any defense. if a opponent hands are up, blocking, a legal elbow is relatively easily blocked. The elbow would simply be blocked by the forearms. now if the opponent is blocking, with his hands up, the 12-6 elbow will smash threw his defense and then connect, hurting and/or injuring the opponent.
3. Spear head; this is the 1 reason why there illegal. unlike the horizontal/verticle elbows, the 12-6 elbows involves the whole elbow. this simple action to the head or eye socket can cause massive damage. the legal elbows use the tip of the elbow. only a fraction of the target absorbs the blow where the target of 12-6 elbow absorbs tons of the punishment. This small difference creates tons of damage and can possibly injure the opponent for life.
**my personal opinion is the 12-6 elbow is relativity limited. unlike the horizontal/verticle elbows where the body can almost twist in any position. the body can only lunge its self in the direction of the 12-6 elbow in certain positions like standing up or on the knees. also it leaves your head open for attack like the faber vs brown fight I. i much prefer the horizontal/verticle elbows because there much more versatile.
Мне лично возразить нечего. И почти всё, что здесь написано относится к тем ударам, что на наносит Браун. У кого какие мысли есть?