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  (#961)  |  (на пост)
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Аватар для damn severn
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01.02.2015, 00:43

Сообщение от SPORTKOR Посмотреть сообщение
Because of what?
because of the shirt he wore to the cage.
  (#962)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 00:47

Сообщение от damn severn Посмотреть сообщение
because of the shirt he wore to the cage.
And that it is not so?
  (#963)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 00:48

@damn severn, what is wrong with that shirt? I didn't see the show
  (#964)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 00:55

Сообщение от kastet Посмотреть сообщение
@damn severn, what is wrong with that shirt? I didn't see the show
His shirt said"i am not Charlie Hebdo, and I will never be"

Just stupid, disgrace to the memory of those who died at charlie hebdo.

I understand for a muslim, the cartoon was offensive. I dont understand the need to kill in reaction.

Beslan is a fighter trying to get to the UFC, trying to get a visa to the United States. What do you think Fertittas would say if they saw the tshirt.

Just stupid idea to advertise that you support the killing of innocent people.
  (#965)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 01:03

Сообщение от damn severn Посмотреть сообщение
His shirt said"i am not Charlie Hebdo, and I will never be"

Just stupid, disgrace to the memory of those who died at charlie hebdo.

I understand for a muslim, the cartoon was offensive. I dont understand the need to kill in reaction.

Beslan is a fighter trying to get to the UFC, trying to get a visa to the United States. What do you think Fertittas would say if they saw the tshirt.

Just stupid idea to advertise that you support the killing of innocent people.
Firstly, there are all fighters Berkut out in these shirts
Secondly, you do not judge it ...
You probably have not caught on ...
  (#966)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 01:18

Сообщение от damn severn Посмотреть сообщение
I dont understand the need to kill in reaction.
i am not Charlie Hebdo, and I will never be" это не поддержка террористов. Это отношение к мерзкому журналу. Как сказал Сталин "оба хуже".

"i am not Charlie Hebdo, and I will never be" this does not support terrorists. This attitude to a filthy magazine. As Stalin said "both are worse".

Последний раз редактировалось Трактор; 01.02.2015 в 01:34.
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Approx (01.02.2015), SPORTKOR (01.02.2015), nohcho2 (01.02.2015)
  (#967)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 01:29

Сообщение от damn severn Посмотреть сообщение
His shirt said"i am not Charlie Hebdo, and I will never be"

Just stupid, disgrace to the memory of those who died at charlie hebdo.

I understand for a muslim, the cartoon was offensive. I dont understand the need to kill in reaction.

Beslan is a fighter trying to get to the UFC, trying to get a visa to the United States. What do you think Fertittas would say if they saw the tshirt.

Just stupid idea to advertise that you support the killing of innocent people.
I posted the same "I am not Charlie Hebdo" on my fb page.
You've got to understand the difference between the freedom of speech and insulting.
It has nothing to do with disrespecting murdered people or endorsing terrorists.
If you don't understand then it's probably the mental difference between us and Americans.
For me personally the whole situation is a debacle, both sides (terrorists and victims) are disgrace. Try to dig up more "cartoons" they did, including those dedicated to various terrorist attacks. If you still believe you need to personify yourself as Charlie Hebdo then I have nothing left to say.
I'm sure 100% that Beslan's idea was similar to mine.
And one more thing: while crying for 15 dead people from a west European country why does no one gives a shit about tens of killed innocent civilians elsewhere: Irak, Afghanistan, Sudan, the Ukraine? That's why I don't want to liken myself to Charlie Hebdo and do it publicly (=hypocrisy).

Prolly you are right that Beslan might get in troubles with signing due to wearing that shirt but that's why I appreciate his act even more.
9 пользователя(ей) сказали cпасибо:
Euge25 (01.02.2015), Khalidov95 (01.02.2015), Padawans (01.02.2015), SPORTKOR (01.02.2015), _REKRUT_ (01.02.2015), nohcho2 (01.02.2015), taran70 (01.02.2015), Кросс (02.02.2015), Трактор (01.02.2015)
  (#968)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 01:35

Добавление к предыдущему сообщению.
Сообщение от Трактор Посмотреть сообщение
это не поддержка террористов. Это отношение к мерзкому журналу. Как сказал Сталин "оба хуже".
Я атеист.

Мне моя брезгивость дорога,
Мной руководящая давно
Даже чтобы плюнуть во врага
я не набираю в рот говно.

I am an atheist
"Even to spit at the enemy I'm not trying to enter in mouth shit." (c)
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Approx (01.02.2015)
  (#969)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 01:41

Сообщение от damn severn Посмотреть сообщение
His shirt said"i am not Charlie Hebdo, and I will never be"

Just stupid, disgrace to the memory of those who died at charlie hebdo.

I understand for a muslim, the cartoon was offensive. I dont understand the need to kill in reaction.

Beslan is a fighter trying to get to the UFC, trying to get a visa to the United States. What do you think Fertittas would say if they saw the tshirt.

Just stupid idea to advertise that you support the killing of innocent people.
А где там поддержка убийц или убийства? Ведь он не вышел с надписью "Я Куаши" или что то в этом роде. "Я не Charlie Hebdo" это всего лишь протест против редакции этой газеты, которая оскорбляла, оскорбляет, и скорее всего и дальше будет оскорблять чувства всех верующих (мусульман, христиан и иудеев). Ведь не Беслан убил этих "художников" и наверняка даже не знал про их существование, до этих событий во франции. Так зачем они оскорбляют его веру, он же не оскорблял их? А он верующий человек
  (#970)  |  (на пост)
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01.02.2015, 01:44

@damn severn,

Large-scale rally in support of faith expression freedom held in the capital of the Chechen Republic - Grozny. According to the organizers information, no less than a million people collected there.
Participants came from all over regions of Nothern Caucasus, many arrived in Grozny on the eve of yet. Among the demonstrators - the elders and religious leaders. People gathered to express their attitude to the events that unfolded in Paris around the publication Charlie Hebdo.
Participants of action claimed the inadmissibility of faith insults and religious discrimination. At the same time emphasize that believers should not yield to provocations. "Violence - not a method" - one of the main slogans of this action. Many thousands procession passed through the town - the final destination: Heart of Chechnya mosque in the center of Grozny.

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