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Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE

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Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Post Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 09.12.2007, 20:55

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Sadaharu Tanikawa and Semy Schilt had an interview on Dec 09. In the interview, Schilt showed his interest fighting Fedor. Schilt won K-1 World GP 2007 on Dec 08. Mr. Tanikawa said he would like to see him fighting in MMA rule.

Fedor fought Schilt in his PRIDE debut fight. Fedor defeted Schilt by decision. Schilt said he would like to fight Fedor but he needs time to train his ground techniques. I have a confidence to win and I would like to fight him while I`m a K-1 champion.
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 09.12.2007, 23:23

He didn't mean the NYE because you can imagine how much time you need to improve your parter game, not just 2-3 weeks for sure, not against Fedor.
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 10.12.2007, 00:15

HA,ha !!! Mike you funny guy!!!
This news everywhere yes yes and YES!!!!
Semmy Schilt mean the NYE fight!!!
and posible happend 50%50

BDW. can you provide info to proof Semmy Schilt mean future fight not NYE????
Man you funny .
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 10.12.2007, 00:46

I'd love to see Schilt get destroyed instead of Choi though. The Korean performance was simply awful yesterday...And Schilt accomplished more in his mma career experience-wise.
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 10.12.2007, 03:48

Yeah, at this point I don't see what Choi can offer other than PPV buys of his Korean fans. Schilt would be a more logical choice: current K-1 champ, more MMA experience than Choi, went the distance with Fyodor before. I'd rather see Fyodor vs Schilt than Fyodor vs Choi. Although I am excited Fyodor is fighting again, no matter against whom.
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 10.12.2007, 13:44

"Although I am excited Fyodor is fighting again, no matter against whom."
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 10.12.2007, 19:21

Semmy VS FeDor would make a picture

Choi VS FeDor i wouldn't want to see............................................... ......

worse than nothing...............

by the way will Zentsov and Alex be in the event???? 'cos in the yaren homepage doesn't say about them fighting....
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Адрес: Москва
Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 10.12.2007, 22:03

I think Schilt there are no chances in fight against Feodor.
Sorry. The chance is always, but not at Schilt against Feodor.
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Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE
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Регистрация: 18.09.2007
Re: Semmy Schilt is interested in fighting Fedor on NYE - 11.12.2007, 23:47

I think that Shilt has a reason for a rematch, it wold be cool if they it Fedor defeated him standing - KO'ing a K-1 champ on feet will make a nice addition to Fedor's already impressive record and it would increase popularity of bot Fedor and M-1 Global.
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fedor, fighting, interested, nye, schilt, semmy

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